We are reliable & consistent IT-Solution team

  • +91 9447075216

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Best IT-Solutions
near your world

Take Your Business Into the Future with AKITDA Server, Storage and Software IT Solutions. Explore AKITDA Solutions for AI, Big Data and Analytics, Hybrid Cloud, DevOps and Security. Connect Data & Workloads. Conquer Your Challenges. Reduce Complexity.

Create a Solid Foundation for Your Organization with Solutions Designed to Work Together. Accelerate Your Business' Digital Transformation with AKITDA Solutions. Get Started Today. Conquer Your Challenges. Extend Data Privacy. HPC Technologies. Build & Scale Analytics.

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Create a Solid Foundation for Your Organization with Solutions Designed to Work Together. Accelerate Your Business' Digital Transformation with AKITDA Solutions. Get Started Today. Conquer Your Challenges. Extend Data Privacy. HPC Technologies. Build & Scale Analytics.

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Kerala best IT-Products and Services
through AKITDA Members

IT services

IT services refers to the application of business and technical expertise to enable organizations in the creation, management and optimization of or access to information and business processes. There are also different categories of service.

IT hardware

When it comes to hardware services, IT Overhead is proud to state that we hold the best position in Kerala. We are a trusted brand there. We earned this brand value by consistently serving our customers over the years with nothing else but the best.

Security and automation

Security automation is the machine-based execution of security actions with the power to programmatically detect, investigate and remediate cyberthreats with or without human intervention by identifying incoming threats.

Data management

Make Your Data Simple and Accessible in an AI-Driven, Multicloud World. Learn More Today. Hybrid Data Management IntelligentlyExplore the Products.

Cloud computing

Get up and running quickly data centers. Each data center include first-rate power, on-site staff and infrastructure. New Competitive Pricing. Privately Owned Network..

IT consultancy

Our strategic IT consulting will help you automate and digitalise operations, optimise the software portfolio, and implement the latest technologies. Our Clients.






Executive Members


Experienced Staffs

IT Support from AKITDA Members

The membership provides opportunity to IT dealers for enhancing their professional skills and smoothing their business with IT and ITES vendors through different channels of activities. So that they can be successful and enhance themselves. The association have district level committee and unit level committee for proper administration and implementation of activities proposed by state level committee. More than 1500 registered members in KERALA are part of the association.

Contact Us

Q. What is AKITDA stands for??

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Q. What are the responsibilities of a member?

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Q. Where are your office located?

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AKITDA Executive

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We run all kinds of IT services
that vow your success

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with our Helpdesk.
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+91 9447075216